Igłoterapia w rehabilitacji zoom_in

Needle therapy in rehabilitation - POLISH LANGUAGE

Indeks: KS161

100.00 PLN

Authors: Tomasz Tittinger, Rafał Słoniak
Number of pages: 240
Binding: soft

14 days for return
Free delivery from 350 PLN

Language: polish

"... Learning needle therapy, after taking into account indications and contraindications, methods of application depending on the symptoms studied, safe techniques with the selection of appropriate "tools" are the main chapters of the textbook, covering the current state of knowledge about needle therapy. The techniques contained in it concern the issues of Medical Acupuncture, also known as Dry Neadling DN and needle therapy using an injection needle. Postoperative management, increasing the effectiveness of the puncture, depends on the cause of dysfunction and the type of therapy performed. The fifteenth year of our joint work min. with a needle is a time to gather a lot of experience, which we will be happy to share with searching physiotherapists and doctors."
