Massage cupping

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Massage cupping

Silicone and rubber cups for face and whole body massage improve health and well-being. They are also perfect for those used in aesthetic medicine treatments and in anti-cellulite massage. They are extremely light, unsayable, making them comfortable to use. You can easily adjust the vacuum power by weaker or stronger compression of the cupping surface. It is also trouble-free to keep the cups clean - just wash them with warm water with the addition of soap.

We especially recommend doing massages during bathing or in the shower, when the body is relaxed, relaxed and the skin has reduced tension. In addition, it is worth using oil or olive oil for massage to get proper slippage and not to irritate the skin.

Vacuum therapy is called traditional cupping massage, which involves massaging different parts of the body, causing an increase in temperature at the massage site. This improves blood flow and improves the metabolic processes of the body.
