Live well live long - POLISH LANGUAGE

Indeks: KS181

99.00 PLN

Pages: 567

Year of publication: 2020

Publisher: Holi

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Language: polish

Live well live long

Live well live long reveals to us the extraordinary Chinese tradition of leading a nutritious life (Yangsheng), which has been continuously developed for more than two and a half thousand years. It is a tool for development and care for the human body, mind and spirit. Her teachings can help us improve our health and extend our lives based on cultivating our minds and emotions, proper diet, as well as exercise, sleep and sex. This book proves at every step that this traditional knowledge is confirmed by contemporary scientific research.

Live well, live long is the first book by Peter Deadman translated into Polish. Peter Deadman is an outstanding expert on Chinese medicine, therapist, lecturer and author of many books, one of the greatest contemporary authorities in the field of Chinese medicine in the Western world. We are proud to give you the first work of this author published in Polish!

Live well, live a long time is an extraordinary book, because it is addressed not only to those people who already know and practice Chinese medicine. This is a thrilling, extremely valuable position from which literally every person interested in taking care of their health can draw! That is why we decided to publish it in the first place - hoping that it will interest and introduce the secrets of Chinese medicine and the art of leading a healthy life based on Chinese traditions, the widest possible group of readers.

Peter Deadman has not only a huge knowledge, but also an extraordinary talent for passing it on. Live well live a long life is not so much a guide as a story about how to lead a healthy life, avoid diseases, maintain physical and mental fitness until old age and achieve longevity. All this is based on the knowledge of Chinese sages, philosophers and doctors, which has been explored continuously for over two and a half thousand years, which is included in Chinese medicine and the Chinese tradition of leading a nutritious life - Yangsheng.

Yangsheng is an ancient tradition of leading a life in such a way as to cultivate health and achieve longevity. It gives tips on how to eat, sleep, exercise, breathe, meditate, make love, dance, commune with nature and raise children (as well as beget them). Finally, it teaches how to prepare for the coming old age, so that it is for us a period of physical and mental fitness and a time of fulfillment and drawing from the previously accumulated fruits of life.

When it comes to our health, a lot depends on us! Yangsheng teaches, however, that in order to achieve health and longevity, we do not have to do anything extraordinary: we do not have to undergo complex therapies, take unusual drugs, or even have deep medical knowledge. It is enough that we remember a few simple but fundamental principles for our health. Our health depends on how we eat and what we eat, on whether we care about movement, but also on whether we do not get tired and are able to rest and regenerate. We must also not forget about our mind and emotions, which in a key way affect not only our health, but also whether we have enough determination and willpower to persevere in our good resolutions.

Peter Deadman takes us on a fascinating journey through Chinese medicine, the Chinese tradition of "nutritious living", as well as Chinese culture, history and philosophy. At the same time, he presents us with all the recommendations, tips and wisdom of the art of nourishing life in the light of the latest scientific research, which rediscovers to us the truths already known to the ancients.

Table of contents

Chapter 1: What is Yanghseng - the art of nourishing living?

  1. Simplicity is the key
  2. What is the art of nourishing living (Yangsheng)
  3. Four legs of the chair
  4. Where does this Chinese tradition of health come from?
  5. Where does modern health and lifestyle research come from?
  6. Longevity in Chinese culture

Chapter 2: Health - a Challenge and an Opportunity

  1. One life
  2. Limitations of medicine
  3. Chronic disease - facts and warnings
  4. So what can we do about it?

Chapter 3: What Determines Our Lives and Health?

  1. Constitution
  2. Chinese Explanation for the Constitution - Inherited Essence
  3. Physical constitution - the result of a roll of the dice?
  4. Health and longevity – scientific evidence
  5. Happiness

Chapter 4: Why We Get Sick

  1. Causes of diseases - introduction
  2. External causes of the disease – climatic factors
  3. Internal causes of the disease – emotions
  4. Not internal and not external (other reasons)
  5. Afterword – The Teachings of Dr. John H.F. Shen

Chapter 5: Nurturing the Mind and Emotions

  1. Calming emotions
  2. Harmful effects of impulsive emotions
  3. How to deal with emotions and nurture the mind

Chapter 6: How to eat?

  1. Diet – challenges
  2. How to eat – quantity
  3. How to eat – regular meals
  4. A few words about diet and weight loss

Chapter 7: What to eat?

  1. The Decline of Modern Food
  2. Qing Dan Diet
  3. Adjusting the diet to your needs
  4. Food levels
  5. Eat real food
  6. What to eat – general overview
  7. What to eat – detailed overview
  8. MEPs - Balancing five thermals and five flavours

Chapter 8: Alcohol

  1. Alcohol – harm
  2. Alcohol – benefits
  3. What does moderate alcohol consumption mean?
  4. Understand scientific research on alcohol
  5. The Perspective of Chinese Medicine

Chapter 9: Tea

  1. Tea and health
  2. The main varieties of tea
  3. Tea brewing
  4. Drinking tea
  5. A brief history of tea

Chapter 10: Exercises

  1. Ancient wisdom, modern forgetting
  2. What are exercises?
  3. Exercise and health – scientific evidence
  4. A broader overview of the exercises

Chapter 11: Traditional Chinese Exercises

  1. Scientific basis
  2. Principles of the Chinese Tradition of Exercise
  3. Inner Exercises – Spiritual Aspect
  4. A word about practice
  5. MEPs - Chinese sports

Chapter 12: Dream

  1. Effects of insufficient sleep
  2. Chinese recommendations for sleep
  3. How long should we sleep?
  4. Exercise and sleep
  5. Meditation
  6. A brief explanation of sleep disorders according to Chinese Medicine

Chapter 13: Bed Matters

  1. Sex as pleasure and joy
  2. Sex is healthy for both partners
  3. Sex is also dangerous
  4. Different views on male ejaculation
  5. Woman as a nourishing source
  6. A feminine perspective
  7. Double cultivation
  8. About libido and constitution
  9. Research on sex and health
  10. Aphrodisiacs
  11. Pornography
  12. A word about homosexuality
  13. Postscript - Sex as Mathematics

Chapter 14: Pregnancy, Childbirth, Postpartum Care, and Breastfeeding

  1. Pregnancy - prenatal education (taijiao)
  2. Parturition
  3. Postpartum care
  4. Breastfeeding - the optimal diet for children
  5. MEPs: Pregnancy as a "gate" moment

Chapter 15: Caring for Children

  1. Causes of diseases in children
  2. Diet
  3. Exercise
  4. Stress Body perception disorders
  5. Inappropriate therapies
  6. Education

Chapter 16: Nature

  1. Human beings, health and nature - evidence
  2. Sunlight
  3. Nature in Chinese culture
  4. Nature and Chinese medicine
  5. Nature in the tradition of self-improvement
  6. Feng shui
  7. Dark shadow over the natural world

Chapter 17: Music and Dance

  1. Music and healing
  2. Music and Natural Order in chinese tradition
  3. Dance

Chapter 18: Aging and Old Age

  1. Aging and expectations
  2. Healthy ageing
  3. Ageing and free movement
  4. Aging and exercise
  5. Aging and Diet Aging and the Mind
  6. Wisdom

Chapter 19: Dying and Dying

  1. Coming to Terms with Death
  2. Coping with old age
  3. Dying
  4. Chinese Philosophy and Death

Appendix A: The Extraordinary Tale of Our Microbiome Friend

  1. What is a microbiota?

Appendix B: Smoking Appendix C: Detoxification

  1. Detoxification - in the perspective of Chinese medicine

Appendix D: Chinese Science

Appendix E: A Brief History of Chinese Health Exercise

  1. Modern Qigong History

Appendix F: The Last Word - Spirituality



Peter Deadman
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