Atlas Akupunktury Weterynaryjnej (pies, koń) zoom_in

Atlas of Veterinary Acupuncture Volume 1 (dog, horse) - Igor Solovyov - POLISH LANGUAGE

Indeks: KS110

230.00 PLN

The book can meet the expectations of all those people who start their adventure with energy, who want to improve their art of acupuncture in both veterinary medicine and human medicine. I recommend it to anyone who deals with unconventional treatment and for whom holistic medicine is not a marketing gimmick, but a life philosophy.

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Language: polish

Before you is a book in which I describe one of the methods of the art of acupuncture. I am a human medicine doctor, a neurologist. I have been dealing with human acupuncture for over 30 years. I am the founder of the Veterinary Acupuncture school in Poland, where I teach acupuncture in ". Synchronization Algorithm". This is my own project, and the atlas I wrote is the only one in Poland. I have only been dealing with veterinary acupuncture for 12 years. My first four-legged patient was my own dog, who suffered from atopic dermatitis. I could not come to terms with the results of his treatment and decided to treat him on my own. The veterinarians watching my struggle with the pet's disease were impressed by the results obtained. This made me, at their request, in 2004 conducted the first training in veterinary acupuncture I do not hide that dealing with veterinary acupuncture was a chance for me to prove that this healing method works and is effective. I was able to develop needle placement recipes, which I called the Synchronization Algorithm. Acupuncture in this algorithm is effective for inducing the CHI-GUNG phenomenon in the body of a living being, which literally means "circulation of energy". This contributes to the "reset" of the entire ecoceptive system of the animal and to the change of its energetic status. Sometimes this is enough for the animal's brain to trigger appropriate neural patterns in which all protective processes necessary for the life and survival of the animal are encoded. These processes have been verified over thousands of years of phylogeny of the species. They are so perfect that sometimes we have nothing to add to them, or to capture.

One only question – how to start these processes?

My Synchronization Algorithm is one of the attempts to answer this question. Effective or not – that's what you are judging. I hope I don't disappoint you.

The book can meet the expectations of all those people who start their adventure with energy, who want to improve their art of acupuncture in both veterinary medicine and human medicine. I recommend it to anyone who deals with unconventional treatment and for whom holistic medicine is not a marketing gimmick, but a life philosophy.
