Auriculotherapy - Ear Point Therapy - POLISH LANGUAGE

Indeks: KS109

65.00 PLN

by Raphael Nogier

Publisher: Holi

Year of publication: 2020

Edition: 1

Number of pages: 190

Dimensions: 205 x 140 mm

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Language: polish

Auriculotherapy - Ear Point Therapy

Guide to auriculotherapy algorithms for various ailments

Book description

Auriculotherapy - ear point therapy is the first book discussing the topic of auriculotherapy published in Polish. It is the work of Dr. Raphael Nogier, who collected, organized and systematized the knowledge of auriculotherapy, and the foundations of which were created by his father Paul Nogier - also called the "father of auriculotherapy". It is a practical guide, perfect for physiotherapists, naturopathic acupuncturists and all others who would like to learn about this extremely effective and affordable therapeutic method based on ear reflexology.

Auriculotherapy - therapy of ear points

Auriculotherapy is a method based on the proven relationship between specific points on the ear and individual parts of the body and internal organs. The ear is a kind of terminal that allows direct impact on the nervous system. Using auriculotherapy, a method involving the stimulation of appropriate points on the ear, the therapist is able to influence the whole body through them.

The book consists of three parts, introducing the reader more and more deeply to the issue of auriculotherapy:

The first part is intended for beginnerswho are in contact with auriculotherapy for the first time. He introduces this method of therapy from scratch, discussing the techniques used in it, the location of points and the anatomy of the ear.

The second part is intended for therapistswho want to use auriculotherapy in their offices. It is a richly illustrated, handy instruction for the treatment of 25 most common ailments, presenting ready-made therapeutic algorithms along with an indication of points for stimulation.

The third part is intended for experienced therapistswho want to better understand the mechanisms of action of auriculotherapy and gain knowledge enabling them to independently select the right points in any cases.

Table of contents

  1. Introduction to auriculotherapy
  2. Auriculotherapy in medicine
  3. Two types of ear points
    Points directly related to the nervous system: Reflex points
    Points of neurohumoral type: neuro-vascular complexes
  4. Anatomy of the ear
  5. Ear innervation
  6. Representation of internal organs on the ear
  7. Representation of the spine
  8. Areas on the ear
    Mesoderm tissues
    Endoderm tissues
    Ectoderm tissues
  9. Other areas
  10. Point detection methods
    Compression detection (pain)
    Electrode detection
  11. Methods of stimulation of points
  12. Indications for auriculotherapy
    Treatment of tobacco addiction
    Treatment of toxic scars
    Infertility in women
    Spasmophilia (latent teta)
    Herpes zoster
    Comprehensive regional pain syndrome (arm-to-hand syndrome)
    Shoulder pain
    Spinal disorders in the elderly
    Mastopathy and mastodynia
    Depressive disorders
    Upper chest opening syndrome
    Hypertension (hypotension)
    Disorders of lateralization of cerebral hemispheres
    Trigeminal neuralgia
    Acute hemorrhoidal disease
    Anxiety and anxiety
    Hyperactivity in children
    Progressive polyarthritis
  13. Anatomy of the posterior surface of the auricle
  14. Areas of the endoderm on the posterior surface of the auricle
  15. Areas of ectoderm on the posterior surface of the auricle
  16. Geometric dependencies
  17. Related point therapy
  18. The order in which the points are punctured
  19. Paul Nogier's phase theory
  20. A current look at phases and their current clinical significance
    Phase 1
    Phase 2
    Phase 3
  21. Ear-cardiac reflex (ACR) also known as autonomic vascular signal (VAS)
  22. How to feel the vascular autonomic signal
  23. Cutaneous photoreception
  24. Cutaneous photoreception and ear points
  25. Nogier Frequencies
    Frequency A
    Frequency B
    Frequency C
    Frequency D
    Frequency E
    Frequency F
    Frequency G
  26. Selection of tools for testing the noginer frequency and stimulation of the ear points
  27. Examination of the ear points with the help of their frequency
  28. Electromagnetic signature of pathological changes
  29. Treatment of peripheral neuropathies
  30. Treatment of fibromyalgia
  31. Treatment of depressive disorders
  32. Extras
    About the Author
    Bibliography to glossary
  33. Bibliography and supplementary literature
  34. Index
Raphael Nogier
Rok wydania
A5 (148 mm x 210 mm)
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